Monday, October 1, 2007

Vintage Fab

Piece by piece my handmade wardrobe is coming together. Now I've got a sewing machine and my first dress pattern. Look at this lovely! I can't wait to get some linen and whip it up!


Lila Rostenberg said...

Lovely to see someone beginning to sew their wardrobe! It will really be "you"!
Best of luck with all projects!!!

REB said...

I just stumbled upon your site through stumbling onto other women's sites. Like you I dream of making my own clothes. I want to go the eco-friend, organic materials route. It has been years since I sewed clothes and I frankly can't remember, but I do have a new sewing machine. Hopefully this summer or fall I can round up a few books and re-teach myself how to sew and use patterns. It is the patterns part that freaks me out, but I am ambitious and will practice on muslin until I get things right. I hope you have luck with your new creative journey into making clothes.

P.S. hi from Canada.

Susannah said...

A perfect pattern to start sewing with! It could be adapted in so many ways. Add darts, a sash...oh the possibilities are endless!!